

Country: New Zealand
Sex: Male

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December 2010

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Merry Xmas

It is 8:00am xmas day down here in New Zealand. We have a special day planned with family, including our children and grandchildren.
It was so nice to have our daughter return home from living overseas for 5 years and bring back with her our beautiful grandaughter.
We have from our son's family, Hayley (13yrs), Isabelle (3yrs) and from our daughter's family, Isla (4mths); also my wife's sister and her family and their childrens partners as well..

Xmas is a special time to spend with family and we wish a happy day to all of our friends from AATraders.
Thanks to PJ for all of his hard work on the new coding, Tarnus for being 'sherrif' in the games and all of the players that we have 'run' into over the year.

Merry Xmas to All.

Post Date: Dec 24, 2010 - 2:24 pm

another Grandaughter

Our daughter did us proud and 'produced' an 8lb 4oz daughter, Isla born 4:25 18th Aug in London.
Mother and baby are fine, father is still recovering.

We are looking forward to nov as they will come home after being away for about 5 years.

Virtual cigars are passed out to all.....


Post Date: Aug 19, 2010 - 3:03 am


In holiday mode at present. Time to spend time with family and friends.
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all.
Check out my son's new toy: This is me hanging on to camera and boat has we 'cruise' up a small creek. This is a steel hull jet boat that he built from out of his head, no plans. Powered by a 4.1L Ford 6cyl through a 2 stage jet unit.
I have been fishing for Trout on one of our local lakes when the weather has been right. Very warm here at present, up to 28C during the day.

I am back in the new Main game, so be nice to me.


Post Date: Jan 3, 2010 - 9:30 pm

Alf's Special Tournament

Special Tournament, signups open.
You must have a profile, single player teams, no bounties, no newbie nice. You will start with an Endeavour and 100 Genesis Torps, they will cost 50 Bill to replace so use wisely. Yes, you could throw a ship hulls planet. If you loose your ship, you will loose your Genesis Torps, so go careful at the start.

Admin will always have the final say.
No multi accounts, if players are using the same computer, then they must contact me BEFORE signing up. Multi IP's , all payers will be removed before the game starts.

Genesis Torps will be added to your ship prior to game start.

Check the main page for start and finish times.

Keep the shoutbox clean, this is a 'FUN' Tournament for all.

Good Luck

Post Date: Aug 30, 2009 - 6:18 pm

Alf's 40

The latest code is now out and game is up and running. Artifacts needed tweaking but all is running now.

All welcome to join.....


Post Date: Aug 2, 2009 - 12:24 am
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